Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Impact Of Books On Society - 807 Words

The Impact of Books on Society Books have the ability to impact a society in many ways, they are the heart of civilization and influence countless people. In Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury manifests many important issues and exhibits many ideas throughout the book. The main message is the significance of books in all societies. As people begin to neglect literature, soon any sort of reading becomes illegal. There are several passages that convey Bradbury’s message. For instance, in the communities, people become less social and do not approve of anyone different from them. Also the knowledge and ignorance that books can transport to a certain circle of people is extremely important. Another major conflict, is the government controlling people s ideas and preventing people from challenge themselves. People make a community evolve and behave as it does. The lack of books in Fahrenheit 451, makes people turn to other means of entertainment. â€Å"I’m antisocial, they say, I don’t mix† (29). Clarisse is thought of this way, although it is only because she is curious, which makes her different from others. Dangerous and violent fun is the only way that people enjoy being entertained. This leads to crime and violence being thought of as normal. Clarisse admits to Montag that she fears for children her age because of the violence, â€Å"Six of my friends have been shot in the last year alone. Ten of them died in car wrecks† (30). There are many values missing from society, Professor Faber,Show MoreRelatedComic Books And Its Impact On Society1631 Words   |  7 PagesComic books has being one of the most popular segments of art and communication since it was created. During Human History, the comics were adapted to each time events. It is possible to notice not only in the creation of Captain America in the 40’s to support the soldiers in the World War II but also the attack to the World Trade Center Building in 2001. 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