Monday, May 18, 2020

Racism Is The Belief Of All Members Of A Specific Race

Racism is the belief of all members of a specific race to have the same specific characteristics or abilities to that ethnicity group. Racism is directed towards a specific person’s race based on the belief that one’s race is superior to the other. Racism has been a big issue ever since history could recall. Wherever there are different racial kinds of people, there would be racism. How does history, global issues, and societal up bringing affect racism in our current society. The history of racism started in the seventeenth century, when the Europeans came to North America; they wanted to conquer this new found land as their own, but there were already people inhabiting the land, the Native Americans. The Native Americans were viewed as blood thirsty savages and uncivilized in the eyes of the Europeans and their cultures, thus leading to genocide and mass murder in the attempt to wipe out the Native Americans and truly claim the land as their own. These discriminating views on the Native Americans carry over to today’s time. â€Å"Native Americans have the highest suicide rate in the United States according to the National institute of Mental Health† (S. Siddiqui, para 2). In addition, in the seventeenth century; Africans were kidnapped from different parts Africa, and were brought over to America as slaves. Some of these Africans were considered royalty in Africa but due to prejudice, these darker pigmented skinned people were viewed inferi or in comparison to the EuropeanShow MoreRelatedRacism : Racism And Racial Discrimination1425 Words   |  6 PagesRacism consists of ideologies and practices that seek to justify, or cause, the unequal distribution of privileges, rights or goods among different racial groups. Modern variants are often based in social perceptions of biological differences between peoples. 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